Sunday, January 28, 2007


In the first game we played against the Blue Devils, they won 9-4.
In the second game, we won 10-4. Today, in a rare exhibition game, we faced off for the third and final time this season to decide who wins this mini Battle Of St.Albert.

I video taped some of the game but I didn't do it my usual style. I had only wanted to get some action shots of my son but eventually ended up shooting more and more of the game. I was hand held at ice level so I didn't get a lot of end to end action but I still managed to catch the main flow of the game.

I hope you enjoy the "final chapter" of our own little rivalry.
Here are the highlights.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great Video David, never seen the boys work so hard. Thank-you

7:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you from a Blue Devil aunty in northern BC.

7:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Drew, sweet goal to pull the Oilers within one.

Coach Bruce

9:58 AM  
Blogger David Mathew Bonner said...

The Drew goal was awesome. 5 hungry and determined oilers charging the net like a scene out of BRAVEHEART. . .
but Owen's goal was my personal favorite :)

10:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanks a whole bunck awsome game played boys from a blue devils mother in prince george bc

1:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank You for the video... It allows my family in Vancouver and Surrey to see the highlites.

I appreciate your video blog

Thanks and keep up the hard work

3:59 PM  

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